Features & Benefits  

Here's why surveySwift is for you....




Questionnaire building is simple to follow

You don’t need special IT training to use the system

Full conditional branching within the questionnaire design

Ask only the relevsant questions and
Respondents don’t get frustrated with irrelevant questions

Test the questionnaire as you proceed

You know it’s going to work when it’s finished!

System designed to be intuitive

You can start using the system on Day 1

Licence allows unlimited number of surveys

Make full use of the power of surveys for whatever purpose within your company

Questionnaires can be modified and updated easily

You can improve the quality of questionnaires in the light of responses received

Hosting on a secure platform with virtually unlimited bandwidth

No need to worry about the confidentially or security of your data

Allows multimedia to be inserted into questionnaires, either as pop-ups or embedded in the questionnaire. You can show the subject matter on which you are asking opinions

Improves the quality of responses; gives a great impression of your company’s presence, skills and professionalism

Questionnaires can be personalised with your company’s name and logo

Respondents take more notice when they see it’s your survey.

Able to view responses in real time

The sooner you get the responses the sooner you can act upon them

Results downloadable in SPSS and Excel.

Extends your ability to analyses the data; incorporate it into other reports; develop performance indicators and improve management focus

Fully supported by UK-based help desk

Gives you peace of mind

Functionality is upgraded remotely

You are always using the latest version

Various levels of user parameters in the Administration area allow different groups of people to use the system simultaneously within the company

Enables you to make the fullest possible use of the system within your company or organisation

Licences are based on numbers of responses received, not questionnaires sent.

You are paying only for value received

Surveys can be embedded in your website or sent to respondents by e-mail

Gives you the flexibility to choose the type of survey that will give you the best results

Integrates with existing company databases

Saves you having to recreate databases

Multilingual questions if required in international surveys

Recipients are more likely to respond and give better answers

Facility to perform cross-question correlations

Enhances your understanding of the data

Use the system to collect further criteria about your panellists

Improves the quality of your database for future surveys

Market research companies and HR consultancies can add value to their other services.

Maintains your ability to meet all your clients’ analysis and research needs

No software to purchase or install

No possibility of conflicting with internal networks and in-house systems
No issues with your IT policies